ABC’s Radio National talks about geek culture conventions

The other week I had the pleasure of popping into the ABC radio studios and having a chat with reporter Tiger Webb about geek culture conventions for a story that aired on Radio National. You can listen to the full radio story here.
Plus they also produced an article version of the story here.
It was a cool experience to have a peak inside the ABC studios and record inside the TARDIS – their small recording studio adorned with an image of that famous police box. Not to mention that the intercom plays the Doctor Who theme while you’re waiting outside.
After the interview I ended up writing to Tiger about something that was outside the scope of his story, but it’s something I’m passionate about thought it was worth sharing here too:
“Big pop culture events like Oz Comic-Con are just one kind of experience that’s out there. At other events you’ll have people finding an empty room and setting up a card game and creating an impromptu event. There’s hotel rooms packed with people, alcohol, board games and some cosplayers at the back of the room feverishly repairing their costumes. And there’s the small clutch of people who have stepped out of the con to the cafe across the road to continue their discussion of heternormativity in Doctor Who. Personally, these are more real and valuable experiences than buying toys and getting autographs.”